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Echolife Hg520b Software

bronelsneakom1979 2020. 2. 26. 08:39

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  1. Huawei Echolife Hg520b Software Download

Hello,Please I would like to have the original firmware for the router Huawei EchoLife HG520b. Because I am really impressed by it and would like to purchase one bu he problem is that here in Alexandria, Egypt the only provider of this router is on e of the major ISP's namely TEData. TEData has edited the firmware of the router to be compatible with its service only by limiting the username to its domain ie: adding an obligatory.quot;@tedata.net.eg.quot;. Hence only TEData clients can use it.Even though I am currently a client of TEData but I would like to have the freedom of using the router that I purchased with any ISP of my choice.So I am requesting from your company if it is possible to send me a copy of the Original Firmware and of the TEData Firmware in case something goes wrong compatible with the version shown in the attached picture and please if its possible I need the user manual of this router.For accuracy these are the details of my modem router.Thank you in advance for your help and assistance. Dear RouterTech TeamThank you for your reply and allow me to point out a few points.Firstly, I know you are not a company.My request was based on the fact that this site is an 'The independent technical support site for all things networking!' And seems to me very professional, hence was my attempt to ask you for the firmware if you have it or could assist me iin getting it.Secondly, I did do several google searches and already have the manual (which wasn't my target anyway) but I have failed to acquire theoriginal firmware of Huawei EchoLife HG520b.


Huawei Echolife Hg520b Software Download


My request wasn't out of laziness or trying to find an easy way to get it. Believe my I did try and try and try but no use, and by the way the link you provided I already downloaded before and it isn't the manual.Once again Thank you for your reply and please assist me in getting my request if you are capable of doing so.